Friday, February 27, 2009

My friends write books and you should read them! And buy them! And give them as gifts!

Restore Yourself: The Antidote for Professional Exhaustion by my dear friend Dr Edy Greenblatt is now out, yay!.. Honestly, if I could have imagined a book that I more needed to read, it might have to be called "Restore Yourself: The Antidote for Professional Exhaustion for people who teach Israeli dance and drink Diet Coke and are way behind on blogging". Or something.

My friend and yoga-buddy Einat spent time in Nepal this summer and wrote In Our Global Village which includes her words, pictures, and artwork. Amazing. Get it!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Catch-up. Mustard.

I have three urges now:
0) to attempt to catch up on the last couple of months, as though this were my diary and you cared about the minutiae of my life
1) to link to the random things I've felt like pointing you to lately
2) to tell you all about my amazing birthday and my amazing friends
3) to say that I have three urges but to really list four.

Well, glad I got that one out of the way. They say you never do anything big, you just do lots of small things that add up to something big. Don't they? Here's a thing:

My dance company, Keshet Chaim Dance Ensemble, had an amazing show on February 1st, called "Keshet for Life: 25 Years and Counting". Alumni came back to celebrate with us, we did a great mix of classic repertoire and new choreography, and it was a freakin blast. There was waaaaay too much rehearsal for me in the month of January, but the show was fabulous. Next up - we perform on the Capitol Steps in Sacramento at the Jewish Heritage Festival. That'll be my first time in the capital, woo-hoo!

The trip to Sacramento is in May. I'm also going to San Francisco for like a day in March, Israel for two weeks in April, San Diego for a gig also in May, and New York for five days to chaperone a school field trip in June (almost definitely, but not yet quite definitely definitely).

And it looks like I'm accompanying Neon Specs to the Skirball to find out the answer to the pressing question: Can Food Really be Authentic?

Good times.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I miss you too.

Thanks for noticing. I miss you too, and I intend to be back, but it's been a crazy time. (Yeah, RDB, what else is new? When was the last time you weren't having a crazy time? 1994?)

I've been sick (again) and yesterday was my birthday (yay!) and I'm working a bit too much these days (only two gigs on the actual day of your birthday? What's the problem, RDB?) but things are great and I feel like writing, so I hope that'll actually happen soon. Hope you're good too.
